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EN » Le Math » MATHeatre verseny 2014-2015 [EN]
MATHeatre verseny 2014-2015 [EN]

Competition Rules

1. Participation in the Competition, presuposses to full, unconditional and automatic acceptance of all of these final and approved Competition Rules and the General Terms & Conditions of the Competition participation

2. "Participant" in the competition can only be pupils within the age limits set below.

3. The PHASE I Competition will be in force from 1 September 2014 until 7 February 2015 and will run in two age levels. The Level 1: 9-13 and the Level 2: 14-18. Age group are inclusive of ages 8,5 - 13,5 for level 1 and 13,5-18,5 for the Level 2 by the 30th April 2015.

3.1. The competition will be conducted in two Phases, the Preliminary Phase 1 and the Final Phase 2.

3.1.1. The Phase 1 will be conducted through the use of video recording over the internet via the Le-MATH Website Registration Platform or following the process descripted in 3.1.6 below.

3.1.2. The Phase 2 International Final will take place during the EUROMATH Conference 2015.

3.1.3. The finalists will repeat their on-line presentation in front of a live audience and jury, during the final Phase 2.

3.1.4. The jury will at its discursion and based on a non-disclosed methodoloty evaluate all finalists and announce the winners.

3.1.5. Each MATHeatre play should have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 performers of the same age group.

3.1.6. Among the finalists will also be the winners of National / Regional or City Competitions organized after the competition is registered with the international EUROMATH organizer, the Thales Foundation.

4. All plays must be in English language and of interesting and correct mathematical content, which can be understood by non-mathematicians, of minimum of 5 minutes and maximum 12 minutes duration

5. The use of audiovisual scene is allowed only in the form of projection onto a screen. In PHASE 2 the video or PowerPoint presentation for screen should be sent to the organizers in advance for testing (proposed format .ppt, .pptx, .mp4, .avi, .flv, .mpeg, .mov). Stage set-up with other elements prepared and delivered by the contestant is possible, provided that it can be set-up within 5 minutes before the play begins and can be removed within 5 minutes after the play ends.

6. Competition prizes:

First Prize: 1000 euro for the group with related certificate

Second Prize: Gifts (to be announced) and related certificate

Third Prize: Gifts (to be announced) and related certificate

The prizes cannot be redeemed for cash or any other form.

7. Parent / guardian approval form 2015

This form has to be completed and signed by each pupil participant, signed by their parent/guardian and certified by a notary public and send by email or fax as indicated in the form. The original has to be sent by mail to the address shown. Download here.


Any questions?? Please contact us at

Important Note: To apply for the MATHeatre Europe Competition 2014-2015, you need to register through the Le-MATH Platform once. After your registration, you will receive an email with username (email) and password in order to be able to login as many times as you wish. To apply for the competition, please login and then go to "Apply to competitions", fill in the application form and put your video YouTube link (instuctions on how to upload your video on YouTube will be available soon here), then make a tick on "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions" and then click on SAVE. While you are on SAVE mode you can click on View Competitions to modify/edit your entry. Please remember to press SUBMIT before the 7th of February.