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MATHFactor Europe 2014 & MATHeatre Europe 2014 Final Competition 


MATHFactor Europe Final Competition 2014
Age Group 9-13
Prize Student Name and Country Code and Title of Presentation Video
1st Prize Ema Kylbergerova, Czech Republic MFL 210 - Euro banknotes
2nd Prize Demetris Baros, Cyprus MFL 239 - The area of the circle
3rd Prize Theodora Pappa, Cyprus MFL 231 - Similar Triangles


MATHFactor Europe Final Competition 2014
Age Group 14-18
Prize Student Name and Country Code and Title of Presentation Video
1st Prize David Emanuel Luksic, Croatia
MFU 189 - Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
2nd Prize Sandra Jelcic, Serbia MFU 212 - Sweet Mathematics
3rd Prize Niya Nikolaeva Georgieva, Bulgaria
MFU 147 - Fractals and Dragons


MATHeatre Europe Final Competition 2014
Age Group 9-13
Prize School Name and Country Code and Title of Play Video
1st Prize Colegiul National Coriolan Brediceanu, Romania
MTL 114 - The legend of number 10
2nd Prize College Saint Charles, Guipavas, France
MTL 88 - Falling bodies
3rd Prize ZS Fr. Plaminkove School, Czech Republic
MTL 144 - Prime Kingdom



MATHeatre Europe Final Competition 2014
Age Group 14-18
Prize School Name and Country Code and Title of Play Video

1st Prize

Al-Hadi Institution for deaf, blind and learning disabilities, Lebanon
MTU 106 - Welcome back rectangle

2nd Prize

The GC School of Careers, Cyprus
MTU 172 - The doors

3rd Prize

Gimnazija Bezigrad, Ljubljana, Slovenia
MTU 118 - Saving Private Goldbach