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Curs de instruire Le-MATH [EN]

Le-MATH Course: Learning Mathematics through new Communication Factors

Dates and Place 2014

  • 2-8 October 2014, Cyprus (exact place will be announced later)
  • 23-29 October 2014, Athens, Greece (exact place will be announced later)
  • 4-10 December 2014, Cyprus (exact place will be announced later)

Dates and Place 2015 courses

  • 19-25 February 2015, Cyprus
  • 26 March - 1 April 2015, Cyprus
  • 21-27 May 2015, Cyprus
  • 18-24 June 2015, Athens, Greece
  • 23-29 July 2015, Cyprus
  • 8-14 October 2015, Cyprus
  • 19-25 November 2015, Cyprus
  • 3-9 December 2015, Athens, Greece

Objectives: The new method of using mathematics communication activities for improving the teaching and learning of mathematics for pupils of age 9-18 will be presented and elaborated. Trainees will also have hands on experience by playing roles of pupils and roles of teachers within the training programme. Trainees will be trained how to use the materials of the course, which are the outcomes of the project Le-MATH.

Target Audience:
  • Teachers teaching mathematics in Pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational, adult, special needs
  • Teacher trainers
  • Inspectors
  • Headteachers/principals/managers of school/organisations offering adult education
  • HE academic staff
  • Association, Foundation, NGO participants


Day 1 - Arrivals and meeting each other. Promote European Dimension.


Day 2 - Introduction to the Le-MATH Project, aims and objectives, history. Introduction to Science and Math Communication, current trends. Presentation of the Manual of Good Practices, review and discussion. Definitions for the two methods, MATHFactor and MATHeatre. Discussion of the expected practical work and course assignment. Market Place set up for the participants and presentations of their background.

Expected Learning Outcomes: Develop a bigger understanding for current trends in teaching mathematics. Specify the aims and objectives of the Le-MATH projectm and the history behind the project. Identify the two methods, MATHFactor and MATHeatre. Increased knowledge of the participants' culture and countries.


Day 3 - Definitions for the two methods, MATHFactor and MATHeatre, continue. Presentation of the MATHFactor Guidelines and related documents. Presentation of related video. Practical work and evaluation practice. (Social Event).

Expected Learning Outcomes: Identify and comprehend the two methods, MATHFactor and MATHeatre. Discuss and define why and how to use them in the classroom. Understanting of the method "MATHFactor" through the guidelines and videos. Identify the tools for evaluation through practical application and understanding of evaluation. 


Day 4 - Presentation of the MATHeatre Guidelines and related documents. Presentation of related video. Practical work and evaluation practice. (Social Event). 

Expected Learning Outcomes: Understanding of the method "MATHeatre" through the guidelines and videos. Understand and apply the tools for evaluation of plays. Identify the tools for evaluation through practical application and understanding of evaluation.


Day 5 - Preparation by participants for their assignment, either a MATHFactor presentation or a MATHeatre play with other participants. Rehearsals and practice.

Expected Learning Outcomes: Compose scripts for the method(s). Apply the method(s) to communicate mathematics through oral presentation or play. Increase ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.


Day 6 - Rehearsals and practice continue. Presentations of course assignment. MATHFactor competition within the course group. MATHeatre competition within the course group. Pear Evaluation: Trainees take the role of jury. Awarding of certificates. Closing of the course. (Social Event)

Expected Learning Outcomes: Compose scripts for the method(s). Apply the method(s) to communicate mathematics through oral presentation or play. Increase ability to work in multidisciplinary teams. Apply the tools for evaluation through practical application and understading of evaluation

Day 7 - Departures


Materials of the course: Manual of scripts for MATHeatre, Manual of Good Practices – Electronic Form, MATHFactor Guide Book, MATHeatre Guide Book, Mathematical Stories for Theatre, Conference Paper publications and articles, Video examples of MATHFactor and MATHeatre, Evaluation forms and assessment sheets. Pre-course preparation: Participants will be asked to read the Guidebooks before coming to the course. 

Special Cost (October 2014): Accommodation in single room, foot and refreshments and social events: 900 euro per trainee. Course materials, trainer’s cost and technology support will be offered by the Le-MATH Project. Flights travel and other travel to the hotel place will be covered by the trainee.

For more information please contact us at, or visit the project website


Le-MATH Course - Short, Zagreb, Croatia - Watch Here (Video)